Monday, June 29, 2009

Menu Planning on Monday

My Mom taught me to plan your menu around the sales. She used to build from the moste expensive item: the Meat. Now I am learning a new way to plan menus since I have a store at home. I am still experimenting with this one a bit. But here it is for now. I try to build a menu for 20 days or a month out at at time. I write on the side the day/date of the month. To the left of this I put any evening activities. This guides for those nights it needs to be quick and easy. Then I take a good look at the freezer and pantry and start filling in items I can make, have made ahead for the freezer, or want to put together. If I am mixing up a bunch of one recipe to tuck some in my freezer I mark that as well. If any of the plans are missing an ingredient, I add that at the far right. Now I can watch for a deal on that item or pick it up on my next grocery trip. If I want to wait for a good deal I can just swap this day out with another since my list isn't just for a week.

So, maybe my menu would help:

29/M Barbecue Pork Sandwiches, Fries, Salad
30/T Cranberry Chicken and Rice, Mixed Veggies
Beach - 1/W Tuna Casserole, Bread in Machine, Salad
2/Th Raviolis, Garlic Bread, Salad, Green Beans
3/F Grill out Burgers and Dogs, Baked Beans, Salad - Ham Buns
4/S and 5/S At The Profs parents, I don't have to plan :)

I can't figure out how to add spaces or columns for this post. Hope the dashes give you the same effect. One more thing to learn how to do : )

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