Do you have a membership to any of the Grand Rapids museums? Don't forget the reciprocal months. The Prof's parents were in town and generously took us to the Grand Rapids Chidrens Museum. We quickly crunched the numbers and decided it was worth the extra $21 to make that a family membership. I was completely sold when told about the local reciprocal relationship with other Grand Rapids locations. May was the month you can also visit the Fredrick Meijer Gardens for free. The limit is 2 adults and 4 kids. Thankfully Mite is too young to need to pay admission. So we have been enjoying a little staycation this weekend. June is the Gerald R. Ford Museum, July is the Grand Rapids Art Museum, and August is the John Ball Zoo. There is information about this on the GRCM page, but not on the others. So call first and see if the museum you are a member of, or becoming one is participating in the Cultural Membership Exchange. I did some more checking and they seems to have the best plan for this.
Grand Rapids Childrens Museum
Gerald R. Ford MuseumGrand Rapids Art Museum
John Ball Zoo
Frederick Meijer Gardens
Do I understand correctly? You get a membership at one of these museums or zoo for the year and you can get in to the others for free during certain months?
Yep that is the idea, they do this for the spring/summer months. Be sure and check at the one you want to join to see how theirs line up - I'm not sure what their order will be.