I feel so, so, well, civic. I went to the school board and spoke tonight. I was kinda nervous because I'm allergic to public speaking. I don't get the hives or anything, I just cry. Anything worth talking about in front of a crowd is very important to me and therefore very emotional. So, I'm so relieved that I didn't bawl, but my voice sure shook. I mean, I was talking about the safety of our elementary children crossing a busy road to go to programs only offered at the Jr. High. And this one is personal. How many years of street crossing do I have? I can't do the math. Okay, I'm perfectly capable of doing the math. It just depresses me and makes me feel I can't climb this parental mountain ahead of me. But today made me feel like I walked to the foot of it and said "I will take you on if I have to for my kids sake." And I got invited to meet with the superintendent and the Jr. High principal. Wow, hope I'm not in trouble.
Way to go, Bets!