Well, I'm holding off on Meier until my in-laws come later this week. They usually take us grocery shopping and pick up the tab. It is a bonus to their visits! Helps defray all the cleaning I will need to do this week. Why did we pick this week to paint paneling in the family room? Oh yeah, the Prof is between classes. But I don't know where I will put the food just now. The pantry doors have a rubber band tying them shut. It keeps Mite out of the stock of crackers, cereal, spices, and popcorn. (The crackers and cereal are his real quarry; the spices and popcorn are just good "shake-a-shake" toys.--Prof) I stocked the freezer with all those hot dogs and buns last week. I think I'm actually stocking it faster than Buck and Half Buck can eat it. Since Buck bypassed the Prof this spring, that is no small accomplishment. I can't wait to show them what I've been up to with coupons. So here is a look at what I did at Walgreen's and Rite Aid this week. Now, before you go thinking I'm hitting every store in town....okay, sometimes I do....I don't always. Rite Aid is near piano lessons for Two Bits and they had a couple free items with coupons. So, since I had no kids with me....I thought I would just check them out.
2 Vitamin Water 20 oz (.99)
($1 off SS 4/5)
1 Corn Pops Cereal ($1.99)
($1 off printed a couple weeks ago)
2 Detangling Suave spray ($2)
($1 off 2 RP 3/1)
You could also try
Kraft BBQ sauce
They were out, so I picked up a rain check.
Now on to Walgreen's, my haunt during preschool on Monday mornings. I like going there early in the week, because their best deals do go fast. It was Cents last day at preschool, so we were going to the party at the park afterward. Today I had to leave checkout because Cents decided to walk out the door without me! Yep, I walked away from my purse, my Mite and my deals all to chase my girl in the parking lot. This was after I shamed her down from the alarm monitors by the door that she was shimmying up like a monkey. Sometimes shopping makes you sweat. Well, now that I'm typing about it, she left after the ice cream treat time to go back to the playground alone. Mite and I were looking all around for her while the other little girls were getting their photo taken with the teacher and saying their goodbyes. And Mite wasn't really looking for her, he was cleaning up on any ice cream bowls left unattended. I think I have some kiddie rules to review.
Okay, back to Walgreen's. They have a program of Register Rewards coupons that you receive at check out. There are a couple things to know going in. You can only get one per transaction. These are store coupons good for 2 weeks. If you use the RR to purchase the same thing, you will not get another one printed. Also, their computer is picky: only as many coupons as items you buy. So you can't buy toothpaste and deodorant with 2 coupons and then use RR to take the total down. You have to have an item without coupons. Well, milk is usually 2 bucks there, and they have a clearance aisle. I can always find something for 50 cents or less that we need or will use. So here is this weeks trip:
Dry Idea Clinical ($5.99)
($2 coupon
Huggies Swimmers ($6.99)
($1.50 SS 5/17)
Lipton Tea (2/$5)
(.60 RP 3/15 or .50 RP 5/17)
2 jello on clearance (.25 ea)
I then bought the Dry Idea and 2 jello again in another transaction. I used $6 RR from other trips to help pay for it, paid $7.12, and got two $5 off next purchase from the Dry Ideas.
Here are a couple other items that are free this week with RR or coupons and RR:
Right Guard Professional Strength
($1 SS 4/19)
Colgate Visible White 4 oz
One more deal I want to tell you about before you recycle Sunday's paper to the Gators all over town. Lowes' ad has a $10 off a $50 purchase and a $25 off $250 coupons in this Sunday's paper!!! Guess how we got the paint for the paneling?