All these items were free : ) I used my free milk catalina from 2 weeks ago and there are Meijer Mealbox coupons for $1 off Danimals and $1 off from SS 7/26 or SS 8/9 (that's Smart Source in Sunday's paper). My kids have fun with the yogurt.
I only take blurry photos when I take one shot. Sure am wanting a better camera these days, so if you see any great deals, let me know. These were my basics on sale. The Nestles had a mealbox coupon and one from the paper.
I finally did the Kellogg's $10 rebate with the purchase of 10 items. So I will tuck away the ricecrispy treats for Cent's birthday treat for school. My rebate is off in the mail already. I used the coupons found in my Kellogg's Miniwheats from my last Kellogg's run with all the backpacks. So I think they were .88 a box this time, with the crispies being $1.38 each, and the rebate is coming. The kleenex was needed and I love getting the fun boxes for school, don't you. So my total before coupons was $78 and change and $45 after. Came in under $50 again. Of course I don't exactly post when I send The Prof on the grocery run for milk. That is too expensive.
Drat! Missed the Kleenex deal. Shout louder next time. Cold season is coming :-)