Friday, July 3, 2009

Baby Formula

I have been fortunate to nurse my babies. That being said, I worked hard to get it started with Buck back when everything was new and slightly terrifying (okay, really really terrifying when they send you home after 24 hours and the baby hasn't nursed successfully yet - were they total idiots or what?). And I nursed the last while it felt like he was taking everything good from me and leaving me feeling everyone of my years. As Half Buck said of me during the nursing and baby food stage: my Mom is always feeding the baby. But I do know it doesn't work out for everyone. So here is a couple things to help you along.

My friend Shauna passed along this recipe for making your own formula. She used it for all 5 of her kids. The recipe needs to be stored in the fridge and used up in 3 days (she says she never really had to throw it away).

1 Can Evaporated milk
20 ounces hot water
2 T sugar or corn syrup
1 dropperful of children's liquid vitamins

You might want to check with your pediatrician for an over the counter children's vitamin recommendation and the formula recipe you are using.

Enfamil is offering a certificate for a number of helps for nursing moms:
•A sample of Expecta® LIPIL® DHA Supplement for pregnant and nursing moms.
•An excerpt from The Nursing Mother's Companion, a useful guide with tips and suggestions.
•A sample of Enfamil LIPIL®, our closest formula to breast milk, should you choose to supplement.

Enfamil offers coupons that look like checks that you can use as well, so be sure and sign up for these. You can also go here to try Enfamil, Parents Choice, Sam's Members Mark, or Good Start with a backpack too. Thanks Money Saving Mom.

If you have a lower income, please consider WIC. WIC stands for Women, Infants, Children and according to there web page: WIC provides Federal grants to States for supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age five who are found to be at nutritional risk. The nutritional risk is due to your income rather than what you are putting on the table. They can help you with formula, milk, cheese, high iron cereals, peanut butter. And I just heard they are adding fresh fruits this fall! This became a huge help to us when The Prof lost his job a number of years ago. Please believe me that with 5 kids, it is a challenge to get above those income lines : ) (Another reason coupons are my friends.) It is fairly easy to use now that they have a credit card to use at check out and more and more can be done online. If you have any questions about it, feel free to leave a comment and I will get back to you.

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