Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Tuesday's Table

As usual I went to Walgreens first this week. I forgot to photo the Smooth Away that I bought. They have the occasional $1 off coupon for those "As Seen On TV" products. Then I chose the pool for next season. It was on clearance for half off making it $14.99. I picked up two free photo products. The Poppycock was on sale for $1.99 and there was a $1 off coupon in their back to school booklet (there are still plenty at the store to pick up) and I used a .75 off coupon to make it .24 each. There is a $5 off $25 coupon that I didn't use because my total (after last weeks register reward coupons of $11) was $14.70. To make this deal better I could have picked up 4 Keebler cookies or crackers for $10, then something little (maybe another back to school item) to bring my total up $25. Then I would get $5 off coupon and gotten $5 back in register rewards. See, I don't catch them all. But maybe you can : )

Here is another deal I almost missed. If you spent $50 on a MasterCard this week, you got $5 off jeans $9.99 or over. My total before any sales was over $126 and before coupons it was $82 and after coupons it was $49 and change. So I asked if I could go back and pick up the jeans. He suspended the order and I went back to get jeans. The Nesquick was with a rain check and coupons as they were out 2 weeks ago when it was on sale. I forgot to put my Watermelon in the picture today. My total was $55 and change : )

Here are my Box Top for Education purchases. If you buy 8 you got a register reward for 50 extra Box tops, if you buy 12 you got on for 100 Box Tops. Yay, I have 100, or $10 for our school. Our grade school often does contests to encourage Box Top donations. So I clip away all year long. Looks like my kids might be fighting for this one :) It has been fun for me this year to send off my kids well supplied for school and with a couple of the extras from the teachers wish lists. So some of the Zip lock will go to the school. And I use them a lot for my cooking club and freezer cooking.


  1. As usual, good deals Bets. If you are referring to my slightly fancy signature. That is HTML code and I had someone else make it for me. I don't know how. She put it on my site for me, too. I had to give her my photobucket password and e-mail.

    I'm thinking about a three column vs. the two column blog and a makeover for my header, but don't know how to get either, yet, for free.

  2. I love all the stuff in you side column, it is really colorful and makes me curious. I finally looked up your 365 Project to see what that was about. I would love to have button to grab too. I would like 3 column at some point. But hey, look how far you've come!
