Thursday, July 2, 2009

Can You Really Make Money with Coupons

I really wondered about this question and decided: who cares. I can sure save a lot of money with coupons. I really wasn't trying to make money when I began. What I save can be used to reduce our debts, fund those braces, or allow us to go out to eat (with a coupon of course). But I have seen some folks who have. Not all the time, just occasionally. And I did wonder if I would get there. And I have learned quite a bit about the way it can be done.

On these purchases at Walgreens today I used 3 $1 coupons off my bill of $8.35. I then used two Register Rewards for $4 more off the total and paid $1.40 out of pocket. If you can see by the print out, I got a register reward for a mail in rebate for $3.99 price of the goody headband. This is where I can make money: I used a $1 off coupon to purchase it found here or over on my side bar, and now I will rebate for the cost of $3.99. So after my stamp, this made money. I also kept my out of pocket down from the register rewards. Thanks for the tip from Coupon Cravings.

Then I dashed back into Meijer as planned. I simply love Brownberry bread and couldn't pass up on a loaf for under a buck. I also picked up the Heluva dips with the .75 off coupon plus the .25 off from Meijer Mealbox, making them .19. When I paid my out of pocket my total was $3.39. Then I picked up the print out coupons from that catalina machine. I hit the jackpot since someone ahead of me must have skipped them! I got $1 off 2 Heluva dips, $1 off any bread purchase, $1 off a $10 meat or seafood purchase, and $2.50 off a frozen food purchase of $9. Now, I doubt I will use the Heluva coupon, but I know I can and will buy bread, meat, and frozen food at Meijer again. So that gives me a total of $4.50 free at Meijer. Can you see this saving some money! Don't forget those catalinas.

So while, I'm not taking home cash, I am seeing a significant difference in the cost of our groceries over here. If you have had some successful shopping trips, I would love to share them here. Go ahead and leave a comment, I would love to hear from you.

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